2023. Proceedings of SICOGG 25: 40–49.
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现代汉语确证应答词的语义 [The semantics of confirmative particles in Mandarin Chinese]
2022. 语法研究和探索 [Studies and Exploration in Grammar] 21: 177–195.
2021. Proceedings of SALT 30: 355–375.
从历时演变看语义地图模型中的语义域——以古代汉语虚词“以”“于”为例 [Semantic domains in semantic maps: Diachrony of yi and yu]
2020. 汉语史与汉藏语研究 [Chinese History and the Study of Sino-Tibetan Languages] 7: 134–153.
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声调、语调、语气词之类型学相关性——以是非疑问句为例 [Typological correlations between tone, intonation and particles: A case study of polar questions]
2016. 语言学论丛 [Essays on Linguistics] 53: 336–363.
词类类型学方法论述评 [Methodology issues of the typology of word classes]
2015. 语言学研究 [Linguistic Research] 17: 65–76.
偏向极性问句的动态语义研究 [Dynamic semantics of biased polar questions in Mandarin]
2024. Postdoctoral thesis, Peking University.
现代汉语偏向极性问句的意义和结构 [The meaning and structure of biased polar questions in Mandarin Chinese]
2021. Doctoral dissertation, Peking University.